TOPÇU, G., ÇELİK, A., BABA, A., DEMİR, M.M, 2017, Design of polymeric antiscalants based on functional vinyl monomers for (Fe, Mg) silicates, Energy Fuels, 31, 8489-8496, July, 3, 2017, DOI:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b01221.
ÇELIK A., TOPÇU, G., BABA, A., AKDOGAN, Y., ŞENTÜRK, U., DEMIR M.M. 2017, Experimental modeling of silicate-based geothermal deposits, Geothermics, 69, 65–73
UZELLI, T., BABA A, MUNGAN, G.G, DIRIK, K., SÖZBILIR,H., 2017, Conceptual model of the Gülbahçe geothermal system, Western Anatolia, Turkey: Based on structural and hydrogeochemical data, Geothermics, 68 67–85
ÇELIK, A., KOÇ, G., ERDOGAN E., SHAHWAN T., BABA, A., DEMIR, M.M., 2017 Use of electrospun fiber mats for the remediation of hypersaline geothermal brine, Desalination and Water Treatment.62:94-100
RABET, R.S., SIMSEK, C., BABA, A., MURATHAN, A., 2017 Blowout mechanism of Alasehir (Turkey) geothermal field and its effects on groundwater chemistry, Environ Earth Sci, 76:49, DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-6334-6.
BABA, A., 2017, Hydrogeochemical properties of geothermal system and its environmental problems in Turkey, workshop on Li and Br recovery from geothermal water using the hybrid process combining adsorption and electodialysis, Ege Univeristy, September 12, 2017, İzmir, p.1-4.
AKKUŞ, İ., BABA, A., ŞAROĞLU, F., YEŞILNACAR, M.İ, AKKURT, G.G., DEMIR, M.M., ÖZEL, N., NALBANTÇILAR, T., 2017, Evaluations potential and recommendation for geothermal resources of GAP Region, 70th Geological Congress of Turkey, 10-14 April 2017, Ankara, pp.
COŞKUN, T., ŞAHİN, C.D., GÜLHAN, Ö., DURMUŞ ARSAN, Z., and GÖKÇEN AKKURT, G., 2017, “Ventilation Strategies for the Preventive Conservation of Manuscripts in Necip Paşa Library, İzmir-Turkey,” Exergetic, Energetic and Environmental Dimensions in Eds. İ. Dinçer, Ö. Çolpan, Ö. Kızılkan, Elsevier. (Basım aşamasında)
COŞKUN, T., ŞAHİN, C.D., DURMUŞ ARSAN, Z., and GÖKÇEN AKKURT, G., 2017, ”Investigation of indoor microclimate of historic libraries for preventive conservation of manuscripts Case Study Tire Necip Paşa Library İzmir Turkey,” Sustainable Cities and Society 30, 66 – 78.
BUGHRARa, K. S. M., DURMUŞ ARSAN, Z. and GÖKÇEN AKKURT, G., 2017, “Applying underfloor heating system for improvement of thermal comfort in historic mosques: the case study of Salepçioğlu Mosque, Izmir, Turkey,” Energy Procedia, 133, 290 – 299.
COŞKUN, T., GÜLHAN, Ö., ŞAHİN, C.D., DURMUŞ ARSAN, Z., and GÖKÇEN AKKURT, G., 2017, “The effect of spatial interventions on historic buildings’ indoor climate (Case Study: Tire Necip Paşa Library, Izmir-Turkey),” ,” Energy Procedia, 133, 358 – 366.
COŞKUN, T., TURHAN, C., DURMUŞ ARSAN, Z. ve GÖKÇEN AKKURT, G. 2017, “The Importance of Heat Gains for Building Cooling Design,” Journal of Thermal Engineering, 3:1, 1060 – 1064.
BUGHRARA, K. S. M., DURMUŞ ARSAN, Z. and GÖKÇEN AKKURT, G., 2017, “Applying underfloor heating system for improvement of thermal comfort in historic mosques: the case study of Salepçioğlu Mosque, Izmir, Turkey,” Climamed 2017: Historical Buildings Retrofit in the Mediterranean Area, 12-13.05.2017, Matera, İtalya, Proceedings Book, Matera.
COŞKUN, T., GÜLHAN, Ö., ŞAHİN, C.D., DURMUŞ ARSAN, Z., and G. GÖKÇEN AKKURT, 2017, “The effect of spatial interventions on historic buildings’ indoor climate (Case Study: Tire Necip Paşa Library, Izmir-Turkey),” Climamed 2017: Historical Buildings Retrofit in the Mediterranean Area, 12-13.05.2017, Matera, İtalya, Proceedings Book, Matera.
ÖZTÜRK, Y., DURMUŞ ARSAN, Z. and KAZANASMAZ, Z. T., 2017, “Improving Energy Efficiency in a Low Storey Apartment by Retrofitting the Lighting Systems,” 3. Uluslararası Mühendislik, Mimarlık ve Tasarım Kongresi, 04-05.05.2017, Kocaeli.
DİLER, Y., GÖKÇEN AKKURT, G. and Z. DURMUŞ ARSAN, 2017, “Tarihi Yapıların İç Ortam Mikro Klima Koşullarını Kalibre Edilmiş Dinamik Isıl Performans Modelleri Yoluyla Değerlendirme,” 6. International Symposium on Conservation and Strengthening of Historical Buildings, 2-4.11.2017, Trabzon.
UZELLI,T., BABA, A., MUNGAN, G. G., DIRIK, R. K., SÖZBILIR, H., 2017, Conceptual model of the Gülbahçe geothermal system, Western Anatolia, Turkey: Based on structural and hydrogeochemical data, Geothermics 68, 67–85.
BABA, A., DEMİR, M.M., KOÇ, G.A., TUĞCU, C., 2015, Hydrogeological properties of hypersaline geothermal brine and application of inhibiting siliceous scale via pH modification, Geothermics, 53, pp. 406–412
ŞANLIYÜKSEL, Y. D., YUCEL, M.A., BABA, A., 2014. Change detection and visualization of acid mine lakes using time series satellite image data in geographic information systems (GIS): Can (Canakkale) County, NW Turkey, Environmental Earth Science, 72:4311–4323
DEMİR, M.M., BABA, A., ATİLLA,V., İNANLI, M., 2014, Types of the scaling in hyper saline geothermal system in northwest Turkey, Geothermics,volume 50, p. 1–9, DIO: 10.106/j.geothermics.2013.08.003
DOĞAN, I., DEMİR, M., BABA, A., 2014., Scaling problem of the geothermal system in Turkey, Geothermal Systems and Energy Resources: Turkey and Greece (edit Baba, A, Bundschuh, J., Chandrasekharam, D), pp.225-232, Series: Sustainable Energy Development 7, CRC Press.
PAMUKÇU, O., GONENÇ, T., SINDIRGI, P., BABA, A., 2014., Application of geophysical methods in Gulbahçe geothermal site, Urla, Izmir, Geothermal Systems and Energy Resources: Turkey and Greece (edit Baba, A, Bundschuh, J., Chandrasekharam, D), pp.251-257, Series: Sustainable Energy Development 7, CRC Press
ORHAN G., GURLEYUK, H., CAKİR, A., ELCİ, A., BABA,A., SİMSEK, C., 2013, Sample collection into sterile vacuum tubes to preserve arsenic speciation in natural water samples, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 139 (8), 1080-1088, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000717
BUNDSCHUH, J., MAİTY J. P., NATH B., BABA A., GUNDUZ O., KULP T.R., JEAN J.S., KAR S., TSENG Y., BHATTACHARYA P.,, CHEN C.Y., 2013, Naturally occurring arsenic in terrestrial geothermal systems of western Anatolia, Turkey: potential role in contamination of freshwater resources, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 262: 951-959
BUNDSCHUH, J., MAİTY J. P., NATH B., BABA A., GUNDUZ O., KULP T.R., JEAN J.S., KAR S., TSENG Y., BHATTACHARYA P.,, CHEN C.Y., 2013, Naturally occurring arsenic in terrestrial geothermal systems of western Anatolia, Turkey: potential role in contamination of freshwater resources, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 262: 951-959
ŞANLIYÜKSEL D., BABA, A., 2013, Geochemical Characterization of Acid Mine Lakes in Northwest Turkey and Their Effect on the Environment, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 64:3, 357-376.
BABA, A., SÖZBILIR, H., 2012, Source of arsenic based on geological and hydrogeochemical properties of geothermal systems in Western Turkey Chemical, Geology 334, 364–377.
CAKIN, A., GOKCEN, G. EROGLU, A. E. and BABA, A., 2012, Hydro geochemistry and Environmental Properties of Geothermal Fields. Case Study:Balçova, Izmir-Turkey, Energy Sources, Part A, 34:732–745.
BABA, A., MUNGAN, G.G., TARCAN, G., and SÖZBILIR, H., 2012, Hydrogeochemical properties of Gulbahce (Urla-Izmir) Geothermal System, Karaburun Peninsula, western Turkey, International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region, IESCA-2012, 1-5 October 2012, Izmir, Turkey.
BABA, A., and MURATHAN, A., 2012, The influence of geothermal fluid on groundwater quality in Alaşehir region, Manisa, Turkey, International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region, IESCA-2012, 1-5 October 2012, Izmir, Turkey
DENİZ, O., BABA, A., TARCAN, G., 2010, Çan Jeotermal Alanı’nın Hidrojeokimyasal ve Hidrojeolojik İncelenmesi, Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni Cilt 53, Sayı 2-3, Ağustos-Aralık 2010.
GÜNDÜZ, O., MUTLU, M., ELÇİ1, A, ŞİMŞEK, C, 2012, BABA, A., 2012, Jeotermal Akişkan Deşarjinin Yüzeysel Su Kalitesine Etkisi: Örnek Saha Simav Ovasi (Kütahya), Çevre Bilim & Teknoloji, Cilt 3, Sayı 4, 231-246.
BABA, A., 2012, Present energy status and geothermal utilization in Turkey, IAH 2012 Congress.
KUZGUNKAYA, E.H., GÖKÇEN, G., BABA, A., 2011, Dünya’da Ve Türkiye’de Jeotermal Enerjinin Gelişiminde Araştirma Merkezlerinin Yeri, X. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi – 13-16 Nisan 2011/İzmir.
ŞANLIYÜKSEL D., BABA, A., 2011, Hydrogeochemical and isotopic composition of a low temperature geothermal source in Northwest Turkey: Case study of Kirkgecit Geothermal Area, Environmental Earth Sciences, 62: 529-540.
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BABA, A., DENIZ, O., OZCAN, H., EREES, S.F. AND CETINER S.Z., 2008, Geochemical and radionuclide profile of Tuzla geothermal field, Turkey, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, volume 145, numbers 1-3 , 361-374.
SIMSEK, Y., BABA, A., 2008, Hydrogeochemistry and structural control of the Külcüler Geothermal Field (Bayramiç-Çanakkale), Turkey, Integrating groundwater science and human well-being, XXVI IAH Congress, 26 October-1 November 2008, Toyama, Japan, s 31 pp.1-7.
DENIZ, O., BABA, A., TARCAN, G., 2008, Hydrogeochemical assessment of Bardakçılar and Çan Geothermal Fields, Turkey, Integrating groundwater science and human well-being, XXVI IAH Congress, 26 October-1 November 2008, Toyama, Japan, s 33 pp.1-7.
BABA, A., ATEŞ O, DENİZ, O., 2008, The environmental and hydrogeochemical properties of the Tuzla-Kestanbol- Hıdırlar Geothermal Sources, Turkey. UNU GTP 30th Anniversary Workshop, Iceland, August 26-27, 2008, pp 1-10.
BABA, A., ERTEKİN, C., 2007, Determination of the source and age of the geothermal fluid and its effects on groundwater resources in Kestanbol (Çanakkale-Turkey), GQ07: Securing Groundwater Quality in Urban and Industrial Environments, 7th International Groundwater Quality Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia, 2–7 December 2007, pp.1-8.
BABA, A., ÁRMANNSSON, H., 2006, Environmental Impact of the utilization of a geothermal area in Turkey, Energy Source, volume 1, pp. 267-278.
BABA, A., OZGENER L., HEPBASLI, A., 2006, Environmental and exergetic aspects of geothermal energy, Energy Sources, volume 28, pp. 597 – 609.
YILDIRIM, N., TOKSOY, M., GOKCEN, G., District heating system design for a university campus, International Journal of Energy and Buildings, Volume 38, Issue 9, September 2006, Pages 1111-1119.
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